Joseph Bounadere - Profil - Pickleball en Ligne™
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Joseph Bounadere

Simple 1200
Double 1200
me suivent 0
commentaires 0
applaudissements 0


Started this summer. Love the game and learn quickly. Need to practice what is required to grade and raise my level. Never been rated but I feel can compete against the 3.0-3.5 level. 2nd summer has past. Acquired new skills compared to last year. The understanding of the game has evolved and need to work on consistency and play against better players to get to the next level. Need to learn better shot selections, buildup strategies given the cues at particular moments, build on confidence against better players, and add more skill sets to my game. I am in good physical condition but I need someone who can direct me and coach me because all the raw talent is there. I just know but need to believe in myself which will come with gaining confidence in my game. My next goal is to approach the 4.0 level mark . I know I have it in me but need to find a place where they implement lots of drills. I find doing many drills will build a strong structure and give confidence in my game to move to the next level. At this point drills are more important for me than playing matches….the développement will carry me to the next level and everything will fall into place.
Membre depuis
octobre 2023
Prise de raquette


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  • Simple
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Clubs & Communautés

Belron Canada Collègues de travail Québec, CA
Club de Pickleball St-Léonard Club Saint-Léonard, QC, CA
Concordia University Établissement scolaire Québec, CA
none Établissement sportif Québec, CA


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Niveau 1
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Pickleball en Ligne est fièrement développé à Sorel-Tracy, Québec, Canada